Wednesday 20 May 2015

Who needs permanent makeup?

Everyone has their own share of flaws. At the same time in this fast-paced world it becomes difficult to indulge in proper makeup sessions to hide those imperfections.
But, isn’t it equally important to look unblemished and attractive to survive in this ever-competitive world?
Exactly, says Gunjan Gaur, Permanent Makeup Expert and Executive Director of ALPS Beauty Clinics, while she reveals who all require the boon of Permanent Makeup – a makeup which lasts forever while hiding your flaws.
Ace those Arcs:Anyone who have light and thin eyebrows and wants them to appear darker and thicker can go for Permanent Eyebrow Shaping. Also, those who have grey hair in their eyebrows and gaps or cuts in their brow line require permanent eyebrow enhancement too. If you are anyone amongst them, you should go for permanent eyebrow shaping to flaunt beautifully shaped eyebrows all the time
Pep up your peepers:Permanent Eyeliner/Kohl Application is for women who cannot apply eye-liner neatly or women in often in rush, who find it a hassle to apply liner/kohl every day. Also, ladies who wear spectacles and lenses and have trouble taking them off, and then applying the eye makeup, then again taking it off during touch-ups can certainly go for this procedure. For simplifying things, they should go in for permanent eyeliner or kohl application to add black-magic into your eyes.
‘Over’ Line!:Those who have de-shaped lips and those with thin lips who want to make them appear fuller and more attractive can go in for Permanent Lip-liner application. You can out-line your lips in order to make them look bigger and poutier. For the process, one may choose her favorite shade of lip liner and actually, the one which suits you the best and will look good on you till it stays.

A tint of back:Have you ever wished for a tiny mole here or there on your face, to make you look more striking than ever? Yes, those wanting to have beauty spots to enhance their appearance and look more sensuous can go in for Permanent Beauty Spot Application at any point of your face. These are created by infusing beauty pigmented on the chosen part of your face that lasts for more than 15 years.

White-Hide!:Patients of leucoderma, with an upcoming wedding and also, those do not have time to undergo the medicinal treatment; can go for Permanent Coloring to camouflage their white scars. This painless procedure can also completely hide leucodermic patches of people who don’t prefer a medical treatment for its suitability issues.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Essentials for your restroom

It’s a world of rush and often in hurry we tend to forget even our most basic beauty rituals – may be because of our cosmetics/toiletry being not available in washroom all the time! Gunjan Gaur, Permanent Makeup Expert, suggests a few products to be kept in your restroom, at any cost.
Morning Essentials: For a perfect CTMP (Cleansing, toning, moisturizing and protecting) ritual – you need to keep a facewash, toner, moisturizer and sun-block of the brands suitable to your skin type.
Night Routine: To not forget removing all traces of makeup right before you head to bed – equip your restroom with a cleansing lotion, facial foam and a nourishing night cream.
Weekly Wonders: Once in a week cleanup is a must for every skin type. Therefore, a good quality scrub and mask should be set aside your other bathroom cosmetics to be your reminder too!
Hair Care: Although, they must be already there but if you have a habit of keeping your hair products – shampoos, conditioners and serums onto your dressing table, your should curb it. This will save you morning time besides turning every day to a “good hair day”!
Regular must-haves: Moreover, accessories like; a loofah to scrub the dead skin off, a foot scrubber & pumice stone for a happy feet along with the regulars such as; a soap and body wash, talc, deodorant etc, should always be there in the toilet.
Also, do not forget to keep checking your products for their expiry date and replacing them accordingly. Keeping them in bathroom gives you ample time to do so; isn’t it!

Five common beauty mistakes women should stop making now!

Women sometimes, happen to just blindly follow the ongoing trends – without first, scrutinizing and understanding the whole aspect. This leads to n number of beauty and makeup blunder that they commit – though, mistakably. Permanent Makeup expert and Executive Director of ALPS Beauty Clinics, Ms. Gunjan Taneja Gaur, shares few such mistakes; have a look.
Many women tend to apply a wrong shade of foundation – sometimes just because their friend or sister suggested it or sometimes, when they’ve got it from a friend living abroad and are very fond of using it! This is totally wrong – as first, the Indian (yellow-based) skin-tone is completely different from the women in west (pink-based). Secondly, no other skin tone can be same enough – in either texture or tone – to be applied the same color of foundation. So, be sure to test the product for its suitability with your skin-color – buy it yourself – and then only use it to appear natural and not chalky.
People often go way too overboard when it comes to makeup and highlight their eyes and lips – equally. This should not be the case – it can take away the charm from their face and emerge tacky as well! Instead, always make one part of our face – eyes or lips – bright at a time to look classy in a go.
Ignoring blushers or bronzer is also a huge makeup blunder done by women. Faces look too plump and chubby in absence of these items which are actually used to cut down the flab on faces and make it appear chiseled. And, the result is a superficially undone makeup which looks extremely awful.
Our neck is an ignored creature; as most of us deprive it of its desired beauty and makeup products. Similar goes with makeup – when we prettify the face with full-coverage and forget the neck – making it emerge different in color/texture from your face. Make your product work harder by applying it on neck – to make it appear beautiful too!
Women who generally don’t apply makeup – sometimes go only for only applying eye makeup or a bright lip color on naked face. This should not be something they should do, as it doesn’t look nice at all. A light base should be there on your face before highlighting any of your features to for a balanced-out effect.
So, hoping you know it all now – be wary of such mistakes in near future!